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FOTOTROPIA by Corina Matamoros
Curator of the National Museum of Fine Arts - Cuba

Bogotá, Havana, Rome, Paris... Multiple scenarios, various academies, dissimilar contexts. Travels, escapades, perhaps the forced dislocation of this young native creator from the Colombian city of Santa Marta, who seems to insist on a kind of conflict that has spread over wide geographical areas of the so-called South. His voice always has a particular tremor, born from his original environment, which has been reproduced ever more rapidly on a global scale.

Fototropías is a collection about the sense of belonging, in an age of global communications. It is an installation that speaks to us about what ties us without us being able to invoke any reasonably sane explanations.

PATHWAYS and CREEKS by Eduardo Serrano
Curator, Art Critic

The work that Carlos Chacín exposed to the Colombian-French Alliance, "Caminos y Quebradas" ("Paths and ravines"), is broadly representative of Plastic interests that marked its production, as well as the type of thinking that not only cause it but are caused in the viewer. His work, however, is not the product of a priori concepts nor long rants, but suggestions and signs that the images provide him; these images can spontaneously arise from drawings with which he completed his installations, that reality poses in front of his eyes or that may spring from his imagination. Therefore, in his case, the experience of the work can not be replaced by abstract concepts nor by speech, as learned and wise they are.


LEJOS se ESCUCHA Por Piedad Casas


En la obra de Carlos Chacin existe una fuerza estética que nace de las raíces mismas de su tierra, de su lugar de nacimiento. Santa Marta es esa ciudad de la Costa Caribe de Colombia, en donde coinciden casi de manera mágica y poética un ecosistema único en el que el mar Caribe bordea La Sierra Nevada, con una diversidad étnica y cultural en donde cohabitan arhuacos, kogis, sankás, negros,mulatos, mestizos y blancos en el marco de una prehistoria e historia social política y cultural de múltiples significados no solo dentro del contexto país, sino para América y el mundo. 




Carlos Chacin

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